Social Bookmarking

Social Bookmarking

We are going to set up a WeaveDB contract for a social bookmarking dapp.

The actual dapp with the same setup is deployed at asteroid.ac (opens in a new tab) which let you bookmark and explore Mirror.xyz (opens in a new tab) articles.

The implementation details will be omitted for this tutorial. You can go through the whole granular process of building both the contracts and the frontend dapp in the previous Todo Manager example.

Deploy WeaveDB Contracts

git clone https://github.com/weavedb/weavedb.git
cd weavedb
node scripts/generate-wallet.js mainnet
yarn deploy

Database Structure

We are going to set up 3 collections.

  • bookmarks : user bookmarks
  • mirror : mirror articles
  • conf : for some bookkeeping

Set up Data Schemas

const schemas_bookmarks = {
  type: "object",
  required: ["article_id", "date", "user_address"],
  properties: {
    article_id: {
      type: "string",
    user_address: {
      type: "string",
    date: {
      type: "number",
await db.setSchema(schemas_bookmarks, "bookmarks")
const schemas_conf = {
  type: "object",
  required: ["ver"],
  properties: {
    ver: {
      type: "number",
await db.setSchema(schemas_conf, "conf")
  • bookmarks must have 3 fields (article_id, data, user_address).
  • conf must have ver field.

Set up Access Control Rules

bookmarks collection

const rules_bookmarks = {
  let: {
    id: [
        { var: "resource.newData.article_id" },
        { var: "resource.newData.user_address" },
  "allow create": {
    and: [
        "==": [{ var: "resource.id" }, { var: "id" }],
        "==": [
          { var: "request.auth.signer" },
          { var: "resource.newData.user_address" },
        "==": [
          { var: "request.block.timestamp" },
          { var: "resource.newData.date" },
  "allow delete": {
    "==": [
      { var: "request.auth.signer" },
      { var: "resource.data.user_address" },
await db.setRules(rules_bookmarks, "bookmarks")
  • let declares id variable and assign article_id:user_address of the newData to it.
  • The doc id must be article_id:user_address.
  • user_address must be tx signer.
  • data must be block.timestamp
  • Only the setter of the record (user_address) can delete it.

mirror collection

const rules_mirror = {
  "allow write": {
    "==": [{ var: "request.auth.signer" }, ADMIN_ADDRESS],
await db.setRules(rules_mirror, "mirror")

mirror articles will be recorded when calculating bookmark counts and only ADMIN_ADDRESS can write.

conf collection

const rules_conf = {
  "allow write": {
    "==": [{ var: "request.auth.signer" }, ADMIN_ADDRESS],
await db.setRules(rules_conf, "conf")

conf will be used for periodic bookmark counting and only ADMIN_ADDRESS can write.

Bookmark Articles

The frontend dapp can implement the following query for bookmarking.

It forces date to be the block timestamp, and user_address to be the tx signer address which should be the same as USER_ADDRESS.

await db.set(
    date: db.ts(),
	article_id: ARTICLE_ID,
    user_address: db.signer(),

Calculate Bookmark Counts

Our dapp will show trending articles by periodically calculating bookmark counts.

We will use a time-decay algorithm to rank articles by the bookmarks in the past 2 weeks.

import {isNil, indexBy, prop} from "ramda"
const conf = (await db.get("conf", "mirror-calc")) || { ver: 0 }
const exists = (await db.get("mirror", ["ver"], ["ver", "!=", 0])) || []
let exists_map = indexBy(prop("id"))(exists)
const day = 60 * 60 * 24
const two_weeks = day * 14
const now = Date.now() / 1000
const deadline = now - two_weeks
const bookmarks = await db.get(
  ["date", "desc"],
  ["date", ">=", deadline]
const rank = {}
let batches = [
  ["upsert", { ver: conf.ver + 1, date: now }, "conf", "mirror-calc"],
for (let v of bookmarks) {
  if (isNil(rank[v.article_id])) {
    rank[v.article_id] = {
      id: v.article_id,
      pt: 0,
      bookmarks: 0,
  rank[v.article_id].bookmarks += 1
  const k = (two_weeks - (now - v.date)) / day
  rank[v.article_id].pt += k
for (let k in rank) {
  let v = rank[k]
  if (!isNil(exists_map[k])) {
  exists_map[k].exists = true
      id: k,
      ver: conf.ver + 1,
      pt: v.pt,
      bookmarks: v.bookmarks,
for (let k in exists_map) {
  if (exists_map[k].exists !== true) {
    batches.push(["update", { pt: db.del(), ver: db.del() }, "mirror", k])
await db.batch(batches)

Advanced: Calculate Bookmark Counts with Cron

You can do the same thing by automating the periodical calculation with a cron.

const cron = {
  span: 60 * 60 * 12, // execute every 12 hours
  do: true,
  jobs: [
    ["get", "conf", ["conf", "mirror-calc"], { ver: 0 }],
    ["get", "exists", ["mirror", ["ver"], ["ver", "!=", 0]]],
    ["let", "exists_map", ["indexBy", ["prop", "id"], { var: "exists" }]],
    ["let", "day", 60 * 60 * 24],
    ["let", "two_weeks", ["multiply", { var: "day" }, 14]],
    ["let", "now", { var: "block.timestamp" }],
    ["let", "deadline", ["subtract", { var: "now" }, { var: "two_weeks" }]],
      ["bookmarks", ["date", "desc"], ["date", ">=", { var: "deadline" }]],
    ["let", "rank", {}],
            ver: ["add", 1, ["prop", "ver", { var: "conf" }]],
            date: { var: "now" },
          ["let", "v"],
          ["prop", "article_id"],
          ["pair", "rank"],
          ["join", "."],
          ["let", "rank_path"],
            ["pipe", ["var", "$rank_path"], ["isNil"]],
                  id: ["identity"],
                  pt: ["always", 0],
                  bookmarks: ["always", 0],
              ["let", "$rank_path"],
          ["var", "$rank_path"],
          ["over", ["lensProp", "bookmarks"], ["inc"]],
          ["let", "$rank_path"],
          ["var", "v"],
          ["prop", "date"],
          ["subtract", { var: "now" }],
          ["subtract", { var: "two_weeks" }],
          ["divide", ["__"], { var: "day" }],
          ["let", "k"],
          ["var", "$rank_path"],
            ["lensProp", "pt"],
              ["applySpec", { pt: ["identity"], k: ["var", "k"] }],
          ["let", "$rank_path"],
        { var: "bookmarks" },
          ["unapply", ["take", 2]],
          ["tap", ["pipe", ["head"], ["let", "v"]]],
          ["pipe", ["last"], ["let", "k"]],
          ["pair", "exists_map"],
          ["join", "."],
          ["let", "ex_path"],
          ["var", ["__"], true],
            ["pipe", ["isNil"], ["not"]],
            ["pipe", ["assoc", true, "exists"], ["let", "$ex_path"]],
          ["var", "v"],
              method: ["always", "upsert"],
              query: {
                id: ["var", "k"],
                ver: ["pipe", ["var", "conf"], ["prop", "ver"], ["inc"]],
                pt: ["prop", "pt"],
                bookmarks: ["prop", "bookmarks"],
              collection: ["always", "mirror"],
              doc: ["var", "k"],
          ["applySpec", { query: ["identity"], batches: ["var", "batches"] }],
          ["apply", ["append"]],
          ["let", "batches"],
        { var: "rank" },
          ["unapply", ["take", 2]],
          ["tap", ["pipe", ["head"], ["let", "v"]]],
          ["pipe", ["last"], ["let", "k"]],
        ["pair", "exists_map"],
        ["join", "."],
        ["var", ["__"], true],
          ["pipe", ["propEq", "exists", true], ["not"]],
                method: ["always", "update"],
                query: {
                  pt: ["always", db.del()],
                  ver: ["always", db.del()],
                collection: ["always", "mirror"],
                doc: ["var", "k"],
            ["applySpec", { query: ["identity"], batches: ["var", "batches"] }],
            ["apply", ["append"]],
            ["let", "batches"],
    ["batch", { var: "batches" }],
await db.addCron(cron, "count")

Get Trending Articles

The following query will fetch top 10 trending articles in the past 2 weeks.

const articles = await db.get("mirror", ["pt", "desc"], 10)

The Frontend Dapp

The frontend implementation will be omitted for this tutorial.

An example dapp with the same setup as this tutorial is deployed at asteroid.ac (opens in a new tab).