Query your Database

Using the web console (opens in a new tab), you can execute any queries in the bottom terminal:


When using the console's terminal, do not insert spaces in objects. Spaces are used to separate arguments so it will be parsed incorrectly, or wrap the object with ' or ".

Get Info

When executed, it will return an output containing general information of your database.



When executed, it will take the JSON data provided and add it as a new document to the specified collection with an auto-generated document ID.

add : data_JSON : collection_name
add {name:"Bob",age:20} people


When executed, it sets the specified JSON data in a document within a collection. Depending on whether the document indicated by doc_id already exists, the command either updates it with the new data or creates a new document with the supplied doc_id

set : data_JSON : collection_name : doc_id
set {name:"Bob",age:20} people Bob


When executed, this command updates an existing document in a specified collection using the provided JSON data. It specifically targets the document identified by doc_id and only modifies it if it exists, without creating a new document.

update : data_JSON : collection_name : doc_id
update {age:30} people Bob


When executed, this command removes an existing document identified by the given doc_id from a specified collection.

delete : collection_name : doc_id
delete people Bob


When executed, this command either updates an existing document or creates a new one if it doesn't already exist in the specified collection. It utilizes the provided JSON data, targeting the document identified by doc_id.

upsert : data_JSON : collection_name : doc_id
upsert {name:"Bob",age:20} people Bob


When executed, this command retrieves data from the specified collection. It can be used in two ways: to get a single document by providing the doc_id or to get all documents in a collection by only specifying the collection name.

To get a single document:

get : collection_name : doc_id
get people Bob 

To get all documents in a collection:

get : collection_name
get people


When executed, this command modifies the get operation to limit the number of documents returned from a collection. By specifying a number after the collection name, you can control how many documents are fetched. This is particularly useful for large collections where you need only a subset of the data.

get : collection_name : limit
get people 2


When executed, this enables the retrieval of documents from a collection based on specific query conditions. It filters the documents in the collection according to the criteria set within the array brackets, supporting various operators for precise querying, similar to those used in Firestore.

The where parameter allows filtering the documents returned by get command based on criteria. The code shows how to fetch only documents where the age field equals 20.

get : collection_name : [where condition]
get people ["age","==",20]

You can use the same operators as Firestore (opens in a new tab), which includes ==, !=, >, >=, <, <=, in, not-in, array-contains, and array-contains-any.


When executed, this command arranges the documents in a collection based on a specified field and order. In the example below, documents in the people collection are sorted by age in descending order.

get : collection_name : [sort condition]
get people ["age","desc"]

Single field indexes are automatically generated. But to sort by more than 1 field, multi-field indexes need to be added explicitly. Read onto the following section

Add multi-field indexes

When executed, this command creates a multi-field index for more complex sorting and querying within a collection. It allows sorting by multiple fields in specified orders. In the example below, setting an index to sort the people collection first by age in descending order, then by name in ascending order, enhances query efficiency and accuracy for such sorted data.

addIndex : [multi-field index] : collection_name
addIndex [["age","desc"],["name","asc"]] people

After adding the index above, you can perform a sorted query like:

get people ["age","desc"] ["name"]