Quick Start

Deploy a Database

Using the web console (opens in a new tab), follow the instructions on Deploying a Database

Create a Collection

Using the web console (opens in a new tab), follow the instructions on Creating a Collection

Install WeaveDB

Execute one of the following commands in the root directory of your project.


yarn add weavedb-sdk


npm install weavedb-sdk

Initialize WeaveDB

import WeaveDB from "weavedb-sdk"
const db = new WeaveDB({ contractTxId: CONTRACT_TX_ID })
await db.init()

Replace CONTRACT_TX_ID with the contractTxId string value returned when deploying your database.

Add a document

 * @param {Object} personData - JSON data for the new document
 * @param {string} collection_name - The collection where the document will be added
const personData = { name: "Bob", age: 20 }
const tx = await db.add(personData, collection_name)

Replace collection_name with the string value name of your collection.

Get a collection

const result = await db.get(collection_name)

Replace collection_name with the string value name of your collection.