Web2 Auth with Next.ID

Web2 Auth with Next.ID

This demo is a variant of the custom authentication flow to let WeaveDB dapps use web2 identities such as Twitter and Github.

Next.ID (opens in a new tab) is a decentralized protocol to link web2 social identities to crypto public keys. You can, for example, use the Mask Extension (opens in a new tab) or MetaMask (opens in a new tab) to sign a generated payload, and tweet it to your Twitter timeline, and verify your ownership of the Twitter account to link it to the signer public key, as explained here (opens in a new tab).

Once your web2 identity is verified, you can always prove that your crypto wallet is the owner of that identity, which could replace the centralized OAuth flow of web2 services.


We are in the process of making the Next.ID flow built-in with the WeaveDB SDK and the core contracts. This demo is rather to show you what is possible with the custom authentication flow.

Authentication Flow

You can try a working demo at nextid-weavedb.vercel.app (opens in a new tab).

Short Version

  1. Next.ID links a Twitter account to a crypto public key (EVM).
  2. Lit Action verifies the Next.ID link and PKP signs a relay query.
  3. WeaveDB verifies the PKP signature and links the Twitter handle with a disposal address.
  4. The user can act as the Twitter identity on the dapp.

Long Version

  1. The user specifies a Twitter account they own.
  2. The dapp checks, if the connected crypto wallet owns the Twitter account via the Next.ID ProofService (opens in a new tab).
  3. If the wallet doesn't own it, the dapp asks the ProofService to generate a payload to sign, and have the wallet sign it.
  4. The user posts, the generated tweet with the signature, and get the Tweet status ID.
  5. The dapp asks the ProofService to verify the ownership.
  6. Once the user wallet owns the Twitter account, the dapp creates a disposal temporary address and asks Lit Action to verify the ownership of the Twitter account and have the PKP sign the relay query.
  7. The relay query will be sent to WeaveDB and WeaveDB verifies the PKP signature, and links the Twitter account with the temporary address. The temporary address is stored in the device local storage, and used to auto-sign dapp transactions so the dapp user won't need to be prompted for signature for every transaction.
  8. Now the user is authenticated as the Twitter account and the whole authentication process is verifiable without involving web2 authentication providers.
  9. The user creates and updates content as the Twitter account.

The Lit Action is an immutable script stored on IPFS, and the PKP can only sign in that script, which means as long as the PKP signature is valid, the ownership of the Twitter account is guaranteed by this verifiable flow. This is how WeaveDB can securely use data from outside sources by using Lit Actions as oracles.

The temp address is a disposal key pair stored on the local device to auto-sign transactions. So now the temp address can auto-sign and act on behalf of the tokenID owner without forcing the user to sign every transaction with wallet pop-ups.

1. Deploy Contract

Deploy a WeaveDB contract using the Web Console (opens in a new tab), and get the contractTxId.

2. Write Lit Action Script

The script for this Lit Action is rather complex because we need vanilla JS code to convert a compressed secp256k1 public key to an address. Let us omit the toAddress() function and focus on the main part to verify and sign the query. The entire script is deployed here (opens in a new tab).

  const toAddress = (publicKey)=>{
    // convert the publicKey to an address
const go = async () => {
  const proofs = await fetch(
  ).then(v => v.json())
  let isValid = false
  for (const v of proofs.ids) {
    for (const v2 of v.proofs) {
      if (
        v2.platform === platform &&
        v2.is_valid &&
        v2.identity.toLowerCase() === handle &&
        toAddress(v.persona.slice(2)) === params.caller
      ) {
        isValid = true
    if (isValid) break
  if (!isValid) return null
  const EIP712Domain = [
    { name: "name", type: "string" },
    { name: "version", type: "string" },
    { name: "verifyingContract", type: "string" },
  const query = {
    func: "relay",
    query: [`auth:nextid:${platform}`, params, { linkTo: handle }],
  const message = {
    nonce: 1,
    query: JSON.stringify(query),
  const data = {
    types: {
      Query: [
        { name: "query", type: "string" },
        { name: "nonce", type: "uint256" },
    domain: {
      name: "weavedb",
      version: "1",
    primaryType: "Query",
  const sigShare = await LitActions.ethPersonalSignMessageEcdsa({
    message: JSON.stringify(data),
    sigName: "sig1",

Upload the js file above to IPFS and get the CID. You could, for example, use Pinata (opens in a new tab) and they will be immediately available through the Cloudflare gateway (opens in a new tab).

3. Mint/Grant/Burn PKP

Mint/Grant/Burn a PKP on Chronicle testnet using the script below. You need to get some testnet LIT token through the official faucet (opens in a new tab).

const bs58 = require("bs58")
const { Wallet, Contract, ethers } = require("ethers")
const privatekey = "ANY_EVM_PRIVATE_KEY" // this could be any account since the NFT will be immediately burnt
const ipfsCid = "YOUR_IPFS_CID"
const abi = [
    inputs: [
        internalType: "uint256",
        name: "keyType",
        type: "uint256",
        internalType: "bytes",
        name: "ipfsCID",
        type: "bytes",
    name: "mintGrantAndBurnNext",
    outputs: [
        internalType: "uint256",
        name: "",
        type: "uint256",
    stateMutability: "payable",
    type: "function",
function getBytesFromMultihash(multihash) {
  const decoded = bs58.decode(multihash)
  return `0x${Buffer.from(decoded).toString("hex")}`
const go = async () => {
  const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(
  const wallet = new Wallet(privatekey, provider)
  const contract = new Contract(
  const tx = await contract.mintGrantAndBurnNext(
    { value: "1" }
  console.log(await tx.wait())

PKP script

You can also run the sample script from the repo. Just replace your own values for privatekey and ipfsCid in custom-auth-pkp.js (opens in a new tab)

Run the script using the terminal commands shown below.

cd examples/custom-auth/pkp-script
node custom-auth-pkp.js

Go to the Chronicle Explorer and check the PKP NFT contract (opens in a new tab)

Use the given hash or your wallet address to find your most recent transaction on the explorer. When you click on the equivalent transaction, the newly minted and burned tokenID will show up.

Now go to the PKP page on the Lit Explorer https://explorer.litprotocol.com/pkps/[tokenID] (opens in a new tab), and get the PKP Public Key and the PKP ETH Address.

4. Add RelayerJob

Add a relayer job named auth:nextid:twitter for the authentication method. You can use the web console (opens in a new tab) or CLI.

Web Console

Fill in the relayers input field with the ETH Address that you had previously obtained from https://explorer.litprotocol.com/pkps/[tokenID (opens in a new tab)]

Set the following schema for extra data

   relayers: [ PKP_ETH_ADDRESS ],
   schema: {
     type: "object",
     required: ["linkTo"],
     properties: {
       linkTo: {
         type: "string",


const job = {
   relayers: [ PKP_ETH_ADDRESS ],
   schema: {
     type: "object",
     required: ["linkTo"],
     properties: {
       linkTo: {
         type: "string",
await db.addRelayerJob("auth:nextid:twitter", job)

5. Authenticate Users

Let's build a simple app using NextJS.

npx create-next-app nextid-auth
cd nextid-auth
yarn add @lit-protocol/lit-node-client-nodejs ethers weavedb-sdk
yarn dev

Now the default app is running at localhost:3000 (opens in a new tab).

Create .env.local file with the following variables.

# public variables
# private variables
AUTH_SIG= '{"sig":"...","derivedVia":"web3.eth.personal.sign","signedMessage":"localhost:3000 wants you to sign in with your Ethereum account:\n0x...\n\n\nURI: http://localhost:3000/\nVersion: 1\nChain ID: 1\nNonce: Oqv19Q5ShqRJtttXh\nIssued At: 2023-06-21T08:42:51.899Z\nExpiration Time: 2123-05-28T08:42:51.837Z","address":"0x...}'

You can get an AuthSig by running the following code in browser with the expiration set in 100 years. The dapp admin will connect with the Lit Action via the /api/auth endpoint, so you might not want the AuthSig to expire.

import { checkAndSignAuthMessage } from '@lit-protocol/lit-node-client';
const authSig = await checkAndSignAuthMessage({
  chain: "ethereum",
  expiration: new Date(Date.now() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 100).toISOString()

You could let users call the Lit Action in browser, but in that case, the dapp needs to require every user for an additional signature to generate an AuthSig, which will greatly degrade the authentication UX.


Then update /api/auth.js with the following code. This is a serverless function to connect with the Lit Action to verify the ownership of your Twitter account via Next.ID, then fetch the profile data via Twitter API.

const { Signature } = require("ethers")
const LitJsSdk = require("@lit-protocol/lit-node-client-nodejs")
const pkp_address = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_PKP_ADDRESS
const publicKey = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_PKP_PUBLIC_KEY
const ipfsId = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_IPFS_ID
const verifyingContract = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_CONTRACT_TX_ID
const authSig = JSON.parse(process.env.AUTH_SIG)
const bearer = process.env.TWITTER_BEARER_TOKEN
export default async (req, res) => {
  const handle = req.body.params.query.linkTo
  const litNodeClient = new LitJsSdk.LitNodeClientNodeJs({
    litNetwork: "serrano",
  await litNodeClient.connect()
  const _res = await litNodeClient.executeJs({
    jsParams: {
      platform: "twitter",
      params: req.body.params,
  const _sig = _res.signatures.sig1
  const sig = Signature.from({
    r: "0x" + _sig.r,
    s: "0x" + _sig.s,
    v: _sig.recid,
  if (sig === null) return res.json({success: false})
  const profile = await fetch(
    { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${bearer}` } }
  ).then(v => v.json())
  res.json({ success: true, profile, sig })


Finally, we will show you only the authentication related functions used in the frontend script at /pages/index.js. You can view the complete code here (opens in a new tab).


Connecting with an WeaveDB contract.

export async function connectWithWeaveDB(contractTxId) {
  const sdk = new SDK({ contractTxId })
  await sdk.init()
  return sdk

Getting a public key of the connected account. It requires the wallet to sign a message to recover the associated public key.

import { publicKey } from "eth-crypto"
import { SigningKey, getBytes, hashMessage, BrowserProvider } from "ethers"
export async function getPubKey(identity) {
  const signer = await new BrowserProvider(window.ethereum).getSigner()
  const addr = await signer.getAddress()
  const message = `Next.ID\nPlatform: twitter\nIdentity: ${identity}\nTimestamp: ${Date.now()}\nWallet Address: ${addr}`
  const pubKey = SigningKey.recoverPublicKey(
    await signer.signMessage(message)
  const compressed = EthCrypto.publicKey.compress(pubKey.slice(2))
  const public_key = `0x${compressed}`
  return { public_key, addr, signer }

Check if the given public key is the owner of the twitter identity via Next.ID.

export async function isOwner(identity, public_key) {
  const proofs = await fetch(
  ).then(v => v.json())
  for (const v of proofs.ids) {
    for (const v2 of v.proofs) {
      if (
        v2.platform === "twitter" &&
        v2.is_valid &&
        v2.identity.toLowerCase() === identity &&
        v.persona === public_key
      ) {
        return true
  return false

If isOwner returns false, we need to link the public key to the twitter identity via Next.ID. The first step is to sign the generated payload.

export async function signPayload(identity, public_key, signer) {
  const res = await fetch("https://proof-service.next.id/v1/proof/payload", {
    method: "POST",
    body: JSON.stringify({
      action: "create",
      platform: "twitter",
  }).then(v => v.json())
  const sig = await signer.signMessage(res.sign_payload)
  const base64 = Buffer.from(sig.slice(2), "hex").toString("base64")
  const tweet = res.post_content.default
    .map(v => v.replace("%SIG_BASE64%", base64))
  return {
    signature: base64,
    uuid: res.uuid,
    created_at: res.created_at,

The user needs to tweet the generated tweet with the signature and get the status id of the tweet. Then NextId will verify the ownership by checking the tweet.

export async function verifyProof(statusID, nextID) {
  try {
    const verify = await fetch("https://proof-service.next.id/v1/proof", {
      method: "POST",
      body: JSON.stringify({
        action: "create",
        platform: "twitter",
        identity: nextID.identity,
        public_key: nextID.public_key,
        proof_location: statusID,
        extra: { signature: nextID.signature },
        uuid: nextID.uuid,
        created_at: nextID.created_at,
    }).then(v => v.json())
    return isEmpty(verify)
  } catch (e) {}
  return false

Finally, the dapp will generate a temporary address and send a relay query to WeaveDB to link the twitter account to it with a signature from Lit Action to verify the ownership.

export async function createTempAddress(handle, signer, sdk) {
  // sign a query to link a temporary address to the twitter handle
  const { identity: user_cred, tx: params } = await sdk._createTempAddress(
    (await signer.getAddress()).toLowerCase(),
      evm: signer,
      relay: true,
      jobID: `auth:nextid:twitter`,
  // get a signature from PKP via Lit Action, and the Twitter profile data
  const res = await fetch("/api/auth", {
    method: "POST",
    body: JSON.stringify({ params }),
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
  }).then(v => v.json())
  if (isNil(res.sig)) {
    return { _user: null, id_user: null }
  // construct a relay query to send to WeaveDB
  const relay_params = {
    function: "relay",
    query: [`auth:nextid:twitter`, params, { linkTo: params.query.linkTo }],
    signature: res.sig,
    nonce: 1,
    caller: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_PKP_ADDRESS.toLowerCase(),
    type: "secp256k1-2",
  // send the relay query to WeaveDB
  const tx = await sdk.write("relay", relay_params)
  if (tx.success !== true) return { _user: null, id_user: null }
  const { profile } = res
  const new_user = {
    name: profile.name,
    image: profile.profile_image_url_https,
    uid: handle,
  const user_with_cred = mergeLeft(user_cred, new_user)
  // store the user data to WeaveDB users collection, if it doesn't exist
  const wuser = await sdk.get("users", handle)
  if (isNil(wuser)) {
    await sdk.set(new_user, "users", handle, user_with_cred)
  return { new_user, user_with_cred }

You can try a working demo here (opens in a new tab), and view the entire repo here (opens in a new tab).